
Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

We offer what you need at a price that’s right! If you find the identical product advertised at a lower price in print or on another retailer’s online site, we will match that price. If you find a lower advertised price after you buy, we will match that price for up to 30 days.

*The following terms and conditions apply to our price match guarantee and the advertised product/price:

  • product must be identical to that sold by us (e.g. model, brand, color, size, certification standards) and must be in stock and available for immediate sale and delivery
  • product must be located in Canada and sold and shipped by a retailer or authorized dealer located in Canada
  • price must be in US dollars and will be adjusted to account for any fees, taxes or other charges such as environmental handling fees and shipping
  • price must not be lower due to advertising error or misprint
  • price match guarantee limited to one per customer, per item, per day
  • does not apply to advertise that states “limited quantities”, “clearance”, close-outs”, “bankruptcies” or similar concepts
  • special offers(such as bundled offers, rebates, mail-in offers, coupons) may be excluded at the discretion of our website. All the same conditions, limitations or qualification of the original offer will apply