

The information that is available on the website is solely provided for the general guidance for the reader’s personal use. We do not take any authority to provide you with the appropriate information. We do update our website timely, but we do not guarantee that the information provided can be correct. All the data that is provided from our website is collected by the research done on the internet. We in no way promote or endorse any of the products that you see on our platform and neither from any other platform.

Our website deals in the pharmacy industry and is expanding its roots moreover through online platforms. We do not work in the field of medicines and drugs; instead, we help our customers by providing them with the best services.

Links on the website

A third party publishes the links that are visible on the screen. We do not indulge in any third party act.  Our website does not hold any accuracy to the data provided from the third party links. They have redirected links that are reasonable at their end. The website does not make amends in the medical description that the physicians and doctors provide.

Third-party involvement

We do not make any assurance regarding the third-party publishers. They are not advised on any comments and reviews that they post. It is all up to their will, and we do not hold an assurance regarding their involvement on the website. Therefore, the website does not make any further comments that can be valuable for our customers. The third-party which is putting up good or bad reviews about the company is in no connection with us on any basis. We do take any responsibility for third party involvement on the website. It is only for customer knowledge.