
Binge Eating Disorder: 7 Shocking Symptoms, Causes,More Info

Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms Causes More Info


Have you ever felt like you couldn’t stop eating, even when you were not hungry? That’s what Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is about. It’s when someone eats a lot of food in a short time, feeling like they can’t control it. This may happen to anyone, and it’s essential to understand what BED is and how it affects people.

In the further lines, we will explore the symptoms of BED, what causes it, and ways to treat it. We will also look at Vyvanse, a medicine that some people use to help manage BED. Let’s learn more about this important topic together.

What is a binge eating disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is when you eat large amounts of food in a short time and feel out of control during these episodes. It’s not just occasional overeating; it happens regularly and can be distressing. You might eat even when you are not hungry and quickly feel uncomfortably full.

After binge eating, you may feel guilty, embarrassed, or upset. BED can affect your life and lead to health issues if not managed. Treatment often involves therapy, making changes to your eating habits, and sometimes using medications like Vyvanse to help control binge eating episodes. If you plan to buy Vyvanse online, you must know its effects, which we will discuss further.

Types of Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) means eating a lot of food in a short time, even when you are not hungry. There are different ways people may experience BED. Here are the main types of Binge Eating Disorder:

  • Regular Binge Eating: This is when a person eats a lot of food regularly, even if they are not hungry. They feel like they can’t stop eating.
  • Night Eating: Some people eat a lot of food at night, after dinner. They may wake up in the middle of the night to eat.
  • Emotional Eating: This happens when a person eats a lot because they feel sad, stressed, or bored. Food becomes a way to deal with emotions.
  • Secret Eating: People with this type eat large amounts of food in secret because they feel embarrassed or ashamed about their eating habits.
  • Compulsive Eating: This is when a person feels like they have to eat all the time. They eat even when they’re not hungry and have a hard time stopping.

Understanding these types can help in finding the proper treatment and support. If you or someone you know is struggling with binge eating, talking to a doctor or therapist can be very helpful.

Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is when you often eat a lot of food in a short time and feel like you can’t stop. Here are some common symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder:

Eating large amounts of food: You might eat much more food than most people in a short time, even when you are not hungry.

Feeling out of control: During a binge, you feel like you can’t stop eating, even if you want to.

Eating rapidly: You eat quickly during a binge, without taking time to chew or enjoy the food.

Eating until uncomfortably full: You keep eating until you feel too full or even in pain.

Eating alone due to embarrassment: You may feel embarrassed about your eating habits and eat alone to hide them.

Feelings of guilt or disgust: After a binge, you may feel guilty, disgusted, or sad about how much you ate.

No regular compensatory behaviors: Unlike bulimia, you don’t try to get rid of the meals afterward by vomiting or exercising a lot.

Frequent dieting without weight loss: You may try diets or eat less between binges, but you don’t usually lose weight or keep a healthy weight.

Distress about binge eating: Binge eating causes you a lot of stress and can make it hard to do everyday things.

If you have these symptoms, you must talk to a healthcare expert or therapist who knows about eating disorders. They can help you find ways to manage binge eating disorder and feel better.

Causes of Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder can happen for different reasons. Here are some common causes:

  • Genetics: Sometimes, Binge Eating Disorder runs in families. If someone in your family has it, you may also be more likely to develop it.
  • Emotional Health: Feeling stressed, sad, or anxious can sometimes lead to binge eating as a way to cope with emotions.
  • Body Image Issues: Feeling unhappy about your body or wanting to be thinner can play a role in binge eating.
  • Dieting: Trying strict diets or skipping meals can sometimes lead to binge eating when you feel very hungry later on.
  • Environment: Living in a place where there’s a lot of focus on weight, appearance, or food can also contribute to developing Binge Eating Disorder.
  • Trauma or Stressful Events: Going through tough times, like abuse, loss of a loved one, or major life changes, can sometimes trigger binge eating as a way to cope.

These are some reasons why someone may develop a Binge Eating Disorder. You should talk to a doctor or therapist if you are struggling with binge eating, as they can help you find the proper support and treatment.

Treatments for Binge Eating Disorder

Treatment for binge-eating disorder aims to help you develop healthy eating habits. Since binge eating often involves feeling ashamed, having a negative body image, and other bad feelings, treatment also helps with these and other mental health issues like depression.

Getting help for binge eating can teach you how to manage your eating better and feel more in control. Treatment for binge-eating disorder may involve a group of specialists. This team can include doctors, mental health professionals, and dietitians who know a lot about eating disorders.

They work together to help you feel better and develop healthier habits.

Talk therapy

Talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy, can teach you how to replace unhealthy habits with healthier ones and reduce binge eating. You may have these sessions alone or with a group. Different types of talk therapy that may help with binge-eating disorder include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT]- CBT can help you deal with things that make you want to binge eat, like feeling bad about your body or feeling very sad. CBT can also help you feel more in control of your actions and teach you healthy eating habits. There is a special type of CBT called enhanced CBT (CBT-E) that is made just for treating eating disorders.

ICAT [Integrative cognitive-affective therapy]- This kind of talk therapy can be helpful for adults with binge-eating disorder. It helps you change the feelings and actions that cause you to binge eat.

Dialectical behavioral therapy- This therapy can teach you skills to handle stress, manage your feelings, and improve your relationships with others. Learning these skills can help reduce the urge to binge eat.

Medication for BED


Vyvanse is a medication that can help people manage Binge Eating Disorder (BED). It is the first drug approved by the US FDA to treat this condition. You may choose an authentic pharmacy to buy Vyvanse online.

How Vyvanse Works

Vyvanse works by affecting certain chemicals in your brain. These chemicals help control your impulses, which means they help you resist the urge to binge eat. By balancing these brain chemicals, Vyvanse may lower the number of binge eating episodes you have. It may also help you focus better and lower binge eating episodes if you have ADHD and BED. You must be cautious after you buy Vyvanse online.

Benefits of Vyvanse for BED

Reduces Binge Eating Episodes: Vyvanse can help you have fewer binge eating episodes.

Improves Control: It can make you feel more in control of your eating habits.

Enhances Focus: Since Vyvanse is also used for ADHD, it can help you focus better, which might make it easier to follow a healthy eating plan.

Other types of medicine that may help with binge-eating disorder include some medicines that control seizures and certain antidepressants. These medicines can help reduce binge eating symptoms.

Other ways to manage BED

Other ways to manage Binge Eating Disorder (BED) include:

Eating Healthy: Eat balanced meals regularly to reduce the urge to binge eat.

Staying Active: Regular exercise can improve mood and reduce stress, which helps manage BED.

Handling Stress: Learning how to relax and cope with stress can prevent binge eating episodes.

Support from Others: Joining groups with people who understand BED can offer encouragement and tips for managing it.

Mindfulness: Techniques like deep breathing or meditation may help control the urge to binge eat.

These methods can help you manage overeating disorders and feel healthier overall.


If you have Binge Eating Disorder (BED), it’s essential to know that you are not alone and there is help available. BED is when you eat a lot of food quickly and feel like you can’t stop, which can make you feel bad and cause health problems. Understanding BED and its symptoms can help you take the first step toward getting better.

Treatments like talk therapy and medicines like Vyvanse can make a big difference. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a doctor or therapist for help. Remember, recovery takes time, so you have to be patient with yourself. You deserve to feel happy and healthy. With the right support and treatment, you can manage BED and improve your well-being.

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