
(ADHD) Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder In Children

(ADHD) Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder In Children

Millions of children are suffering from ADHD all over the world. This is a chronic condition that often continues into adulthood. ADHD can’t be ignored; it comes with many problems, such as difficulty focusing. This can be treated with the correct treatment methods and a lot of love and care. This blog will help us explore the issue together and find a better cure for it.

What is ADHD?

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental illness that affects people’s ability to focus, control impulses, and manage hyperactivity. This condition can occur in both children and adults, causing difficulty in their daily lives. People with ADHD often experience challenges with organization, time management, and task completion. It can significantly impact academic and work performance and social interactions. Individuals with ADHD need to receive proper diagnosis and treatment to help manage their symptoms effectively.

Childrens suffering from ADHD generally suffer from low self-esteem, poor performance in school and find trouble in relationships. However, occasionally, the symptoms lessen with age.

Symptoms of ADHD in children’s

ADHD is characterized by inattention and hyperactive-impulsive behaviour, with symptoms generally appearing before the age of 12 and sometimes as early as three years old. The symptoms can vary as mild, moderate, and severe and may continue into adulthood.

ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in males than females, and the behaviours can differ between boys and girls. For instance, boys may exhibit more hyperactive tendencies, while girls may display more quiet signs of inattention.

The symptoms of inattention are:

Those children who show the signs of inattention are like:
  • They fail to pay attention to details or make silly mistakes in schoolwork.
  • Have problems staying focused on games and tasks.
  • They seem not to pay attention, even when someone is talking directly.
  • Struggle to complete tasks and assignments and often leave them unfinished.
  • Experience difficulty in organizing tasks and activities.
  • They generally try to avoid or dislike tasks that require focused mental effort, like homework.
  • Frequently misplace items needed for tasks or activities, such as toys, school assignments, or pencils.
  • They easily get distracted.
  • Forget to complete daily activities, like forgetting to do chores.

Hyperreactivity and impulsivity

Those who suffer from hyperactivity or impulsivity show signs like:

  • Engage in fidgeting, tapping of hands or feet, or squirming in their seat.
  • These childrens usually struggle to remain seated in the classroom or in other settings.
  • They find it hard to constantly be in motion and have difficulty staying still.
  • Engage in running or climbing when it’s not suitable.
  • Find it challenging to play or participate in activities calmly.
  • Exhibit excessive talking.
  • Interrupt others by shouting out answers.
  • They have trouble waiting for their turn.
  • Interrupt or disrupt other’s conversations, games, or activities.
Difference between typical developmental behavior vs. ADHD

Many typically developing children may exhibit inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive behaviours at some point. It is common for preschoolers to have short attention spans and difficulty sticking with one activity for an extended period. Even in older children and teenagers, attention span can vary based on their level of interest.

Similarly, hyperactivity is also a natural trait in young children who are often full of energy. Some children naturally have higher activity levels than others. It is important not to label children as having ADHD simply because they differ from their peers or siblings.

Children who struggle in school but function well at home or with friends may be dealing with issues other than ADHD. The same applies to children who display hyperactive or inattentive behaviours at home but maintain unaffected school performance and friendships.

When you should go to the doctor

If you see that your children show signs of ADHD, it is suggested that you talk to your paediatrician or the family physician. They may also refer you to a specialist like a developmental-behavioural paediatrician, psychiatrist or pediatric neurologist. It is necessary to have a medical evaluation so that you can check if there are any other causes of your children’s difficulty.


The exact cause of ADHD is still unknown, but research is continuing. There are some factors that are involved in the development of ADHD, including environmental causes, genetics, or issues with the CNS.

Additionally, research has found that certain environmental factors, like prenatal exposure to toxins, low birth weight, premature birth, and brain injuries, may increase the risk of developing ADHD. Neurological factors such as differences in brain function and structure have also been involved in the disorder. However, more research is needed to fully understand the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ADHD.

Risk factors with ADHD

There are some risky factors that come with ADHD, which are;

  • Exposure to environmental toxins like lead that are easily found in paint and pipes.
  • Blood relatives like siblings or parents who ever had ADHD or other mental disorders.
  • Excessive use of drugs or smoking by mother during pregnancy.
  • Premature birth.

While sugar is often blamed for causing hyperactivity, there is no conclusive evidence to support this claim. Many factors in childhood can contribute to challenges in maintaining focus, but it’s important to note that this is not equivalent to having ADHD.

ADHD makes life difficult for children, and they suffer from situations that are almost unthoughtful for others.

Coexisting conditions

It is not always, but in major cases, it was noticed that childrens suffering from ADHD are more prone to get problems like:

  1. ODD: it is an oppositional defiant disorder that creates negative, defiant and hostile behaviour toward any authority figures.
  2. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: it is nothing but irritability and problems tolerating frustration.
  3. Conduct disorder: Characterized by engaging in behaviours such as theft, physical altercations, vandalism, and causing harm to individuals or animals due to a lack of adherence to social norms.
  4. Anxiety disorders: It generally causes overwhelming worry and problems like nervousness and OCD.
  5. Mood disorders: This comes with problems like depression or bipolar disorder and impacts the behaviour of the person.
  6. Substance use disorders: This includes the addition of things like drugs and alcohol, etc, in your lifestyle.
  7. Autism spectrum disorder: it is a situation related to brain development that generally impacts reactions and socialising with others.


These are some ways by which you can save your child:

  • During pregnancy: You must avoid things like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs during pregnancy and anything that can harm the fetus.
  • Limit screen time: It is still unapproved, but it is suggested that children under five years of age avoid too much screen time, TV, and video games.
  • Protect your child from exposure to toxins and pollutants: The child must be away from any odd environment, including cigarette smoke and leads.

Diagnosis in childrens

The diagnosis of ADHD is not a cup of tea. Your healthcare expert or a specialist will properly examine or diagnose you based on a physical test or your medical history and the symptoms.

If your child has the following conditions, they have ADHD.

If they have at least six ADHD signs, such as fidgeting a lot or being easily disrupted.

If the symptoms of ADHD last for more than or up to 6 months.

The symptoms cause the issues during school, at home or when they are exposed to society.

If the symptoms started before the age of 12.


Some studies have shown that long-term treatment with the combination of medicines and behavioural therapy is the best and works much better than medication alone.

Children under six years old are highly recommended for behavioural therapy. However, with the growth in age, the physician will suggest medicines.

Behavioral treatment for ADHD in children’s

Therapists or counsellors are able to instruct children on methods to improve their behaviour management. They can also provide parents with techniques to help manage their children’s behaviour, such as establishing clear expectations, promoting consistent routines, and reinforcing positive behaviours while discouraging negative ones.

Additionally, school-age children can receive therapy to assist with skills like time management, organization, and planning. Social skills training is also a beneficial form of ADHD treatment for children, as it teaches behaviours that support the development and maintenance of social relationships.


However, medicine is generally not suggested for the treatment, but a medicine belonging to the class of drugs called psychostimulants is a good option, and it works effectively for children suffering from ADHD. The medicine works by enhancing the focus of the children and helping them ignore distractions. For the best suggestions, you must consult with an expert and get an effective treatment.

You can also use Adderall, which is highly suggested by the physician as a starting medicine for the cure of ADHD.

Alternative treatments

There is no alternative treatment for ADHD, but some people adopt a different and positive lifestyle for a positive response and benefits.

Yoga: This has been proven to be an effective way to keep the mind calm. Yoga easily improves focus and helps children get proper and beneficial outcomes.

Medications: Whether under the guidance of an instructor or using a device, medications could help your child feel more relaxed.

Neurofeedback training: During this kind of training, your child will concentrate on a task while a doctor monitors their brain activity with an electroencephalograph (EEG). The feedback from the machine is used to help the child recognize when they are losing focus.


There is no doubt that ADHD is a big problem, but a proper diagnosis and the best treatment can solve any problem. If your child is suffering from ADHD, then it’s your responsibility to provide a good and happy environment and help them at every stage.

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